If you cannot find the solution to your problem in this help file, please see the FAQ pages on our web site (internet link)
If this still does not provide a solution, please make contact, as appropriate, with our office:
email: support@filecopa.com
We guarantee a response to email support within 2 business days, however our response times are usually much quicker than this.
Phone: +1 508-833-1660 (11AM to 4PM EST/EDT )
We do not offer telephone support for FileCOPA. Our email support is very responsive and you will often have a reply quicker than you would spend on hold waiting for telephone support from other companies. Email support is free for as long as you own the product, and during the trial period.
When requesting support please quote the version and date information in the About window.
Also, please give as much information as possible about how the problem arose (just what were you doing at the time?) and details of any error messages displayed.